Frequently Asked Question
1. What is the Nintendo Switch?
The Nintendo Switch is Nintendo's upcoming home hybrid console. This means that the console also doubles as a portable console.
2. How much will it cost?
Depending on the model of the Nintendo Switch. The Switch retails from $199 for the Switch Lite to $349 for the Switch OLED model.
3. It is backwards compatible with the Wii U or Nintendo 3DS?
No it isn't compatible with either system.
4. What kind of media does the Nintendo Switch take?
It takes media cards similar to those used in the Nintendo 3DS. It is unknown at this time if games can be purchased from the Nintendo e-Shop like on the Wii U.
5. Does the console need an Internet Connection to play while not at home?
Only games that require online play need an internet connection. The actual console is the tablet-like device so therefore no connection is needed to play games that are inserted in the media card slot.
6. What is the Nintendo Switch Dock?
The Switch Dock is likely the charging station for the actual console itself and houses the HDMI connection to the television.
7. Will Wii & Wii U controllers work with the Nintendo Switch?
It is unknown at this time if these controllers will work with the console. Developmental units are rumored to have the Wii/Wii U Remote connection in the back of the console.
8. What are the specs for the Nintendo Switch?
The original Nintendo Switch provides full HD of 1080 while it is docked and connected to a TV. While undocked, the tablet portion will be in HD at 720p. The console features 32 GB of storage space. The Switch can accept up to a 2GB SDXC or micro-SDHC memory card. Additional specs can be found on the individual models pages.
9. What is the battery life of the console and the Joy-Cons?
The Nintendo Switch battery will last between 3 and 6 hours, depending on the game. The Joy-Cons will last approximately 20 hours. The Switch console uses a USB Type-C connector to charge.
10. Can I watch Netflix, Hulu, or other video services on the Switch?
Any available video watching apps can be found in the Nintendo Switch e-Shop.