The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
is a remake of the original Wii title. The game was developed by
Tantalus Media and published by Nintendo. It was released on July 16,
Gameplay remains mostly the same. New controller schemes
were introduced. One replicates the use of the Wiimote and Nunchuk
setup, the other uses a traditional Switch controller setup.
Graphics were enhanced for higher-resolution. The game also plays at 60
FPS. The game also features an auto-save feature. An amiibo was released
alongside the game of Zelda and her Loftwing. This amiibo allows for
faster travel between the surface and the sky.
The game received
favorable reviews. Critics of the game found fault with Nintendo using
the Zelda amiibo as a faster way to travel. They believed this should
have been in the base game. As of September 30, 2021, the game has sold
nearly 4 million copies.